The repressions in Belarusian Academy always had a face: might it be a rector, a dean or a proffessor responsible for the politically motivated expulsions and firings. "Student Observatory" collected the names and cases to present the Black Book in Academia.
We urge international actors: universities, research programmes, EU institutions - to implement a personal responsibility mechanisms for listed below people, excluding them from visit delegations and common projects.
Num | Name | University | Position | Misdemeanor | Decription | Source |
1 | Vadim Bogush | BSUIR | Rector | Politically motivated expulsion, politically motivated dismissal | He expelled an least 4 students: Yan Solonovich, Dmitrij Mazuro, Matvej Fedosenko, Ivan Nikanov | 1, 2 |
He fired Vasil Peravoshchyikau, professor of the Department of the department of Information and Computer Systems Design | 1 | |||||
He reprimanded proffesor because of his/her political activity | 1 | |||||
2 | Andrei Karol | BSU | Rector | Politically motivated expulsions | He expelled at least 3 students: Illya Trakhtenberg, Olha Vojtovich, Savelij Dubovik | 1, 2, 3 |
3 | Ihar Voitau | BSTU | Rector | Allowed the police to detain students at the university | The police raid in the university resulted in detention of Yurij Karlenka, 4th year student | 1 |
4 | Sergey Repkin | BSUPC | Rector | Politically motivated expulsions | He expelled at least 2 students: Volha Belomutova and Alexander Busen' | 1, 2 |
5 | Natalia Karchevskaya | BSUCA | Rector | Politically motivated expulsions | She expelled at least 17 students | 1, 2, 3 |
6 | Mikhail Barazna | Academy of Arts | Rector | Testifying against student in court, politically motivated expulsion, politicly motivated reprimands | He tetsified against ex-student of Belarusian State Academy of Arts Maria Kalenik, who is accused to student case. Probably commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. |
1 |
He expelled at least 3 students because of theire political activity. | 1 | |||||
7 | Vyacheslav Shutsilin | BSEU | Rector | Politically motivated expulsions | 4 students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Shutsilin's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
8 | Sergej Rubnikovich | BSMU | Rector | Threating students and academic staff | He organised prosecution and repressions of the BSMU against students who were participating in peaceful protests in and outside the University. A few days days after Lukashenka's October 27th order to expel / fire those who strike, Rubnikovich expelled more than 20 BSMU students for displaying their civil position in connection with the election fraud and violence in the country. On the 28th of October, the BSMU management has called OMON (special police unit) on parents who arrived to discuss the expulsion of their children. | 1, 2 |
9 | Sergei Kharytonchyk | BNTU | Rector | Politically motivated expulsions | He organised prosecution and repressions of the BNTU students who were participating in peaceful protests bith inside and outside the University. A few days after Lukashenka's October 27th order to expel / fire those who strike, Kharytonchyk expelled 52 BNTU students for protecting their civil position in connection with the election fraud and violence in the country. | 1, 2 |
10 | Aliaksandr Bakhanovich | BrSTU | Rector | Politically motivated expulsions | He organised prosecution and repressions of the BrSTU students who were participating in peaceful protests both inside and outside the University. A few days after Lukashenka's October 27th order to expel / fire those who strike, Bakhanovich and Jalovaja (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs) prepared documents for the expulsion of 9 BrSTU students for displaying their civil position in connection with the election fraud and violence in the country. Lukashenka appointed Bakhanovich a chancellor on October 26, 2020 to deal with students' protests. Bakhanovich knew that his order was unlawful as he was told this by the legal advisor of BrSTU. He pushed with the order and forced the legal advisor to quit shortly after. | 1, 2, 3 |
11 | Iryna Kiturka | GrSU | Rector | Politically motivated expulsions, politicly motivated dismisals | She signed orders for the expulsion of students, didn't prolonge contracts for undesirable employees and teachers, gave orders not to let dismissed employees / teachers into the university. | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
12 | Natallya Baranava | MSLU | Ex-Rector, Associate Professor | Testifying against student in court | She testified against Hleb Fitzner in court. | 1 |
13 | Natallya Laptseva | MSLU | Rector | Politically motivated expusions | Appointed to the post of rector after protests, she expelled 15 people for participating in the strike and in protests. Prior to her appointment, she was Dean of the Faculty of the German Language, where she also expelled for political reasons. | 1 |
14 | Maksim Davydov | BSUIR | First Vice-Rector | Testifying against profesor of BSUIR in court | He testified against Olga Filatchenkova, who is accused to student case | 1 |
15 | Victor Rybak | BSUIR | Vice-Rector for Education | Testifying against profesor of BSUIR in court | He testified against Olga Filatchenkova, who is accused to student case | 1 |
16 | Dzmitry Kuzniatsou | BSUIR | Vice-Rector for Personnel Development | Threating students | Threats students and organised meetings of active students with police representtives. | 1 |
He closed doors between differnt parts of the university for stopping student strike | 1 | |||||
He was at every action and did everything for stopping student strikes, arranged for students' brainwash | 1, 2, 3 | |||||
He threated students, who were arrested | 1 | |||||
He deceives students, arranges meetings with representatives of the police department, leaks information about students and teachers to security officials | 1, 2, 3 | |||||
He issues an ultimatum to the strike committee: "Either the protests will be stopped, or there will be student expulsions" | 1 | |||||
17 | Dmitry Medvedev | BSU | First Vice-Rector | Politically motivated dismissal | Politically motivated dismissal of Elena Laevskaja | 1 |
18 | Ivan Yanushevich | BSU | Vice-Rector of Education and Social affairs | Testifying against student in court | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. Probably commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. | 1, 2 |
19 | Sviatlana Koptseva | BSPU | First Vice-Rector | Testifying against student in court, Politically motivated dismissal | She testified against students of BSPU, who are accused to student case. Probably she commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. She fired Aleksey Sloviov, teacher of additional education at the center of student creativity. | 1, 2 |
19 | Aliaksandr Tsyhanau | BSTU | First Vice-Rector | Threating on academic staff | Tsyhanau issued an order to call in professors and students to work on the preparation of a new constitution, which was announced by Lukashenko | 1 |
20 | Sviatlana Vinakurava | Academy of Arts | First Vice-Rector | Testifying against student in court, politicly motivated expulsion, politicly motivated expulsions | Tetsified against ex-student of Belarusian State Academy of Arts Maria Kalenik, who is accused to student case. | 1 |
She also expelled at least 3 students because of theire political activity and made at least 2 politically motivated reprimands | 1 | |||||
21 | Elena Kireeva | BSEU | First Vice-Rector | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Kireeva's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
22 | Sergei Skriba | BSEU | Vice-Rector for Education | Intimidation of students, politically motivated expulsions | On behalf of the university, Skriba requested that the local Police Department charge students under Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code for their protest actions on October 13, 2020. Based on the reports, two of the students received 15 days of detention and others were fined. | 1 |
Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Skryba's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 | |||||
23 | Pavel Markautsan | BSMU | Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational work | Threating on students and academic staff, testifying against students | He is responsible for the dismissal of opposition-minded teachers. In December 2019, in an ultimatum form, he demanded that the dean's offices provide the girls for "viewing Lukashenko's protocol to the service. In May 2021, he initiated a search for a girl for the presidential graduation ball at the Belarusian State Medical University. For unwillingness to go to the ball, the girls received threats. He signed reprimands and orders to expel students of the Belarusian State Medical University . Perjured at the trial in the "student case" on May 20, 2021. | 1, 2, 3 |
24 | Svetlana Shilova | BSMU | Vice-Rector for Medical work | Threating on students and academic staff, testifying against students | She exerted psychological pressure on students taking part in the protests. There were repeated threats of expulsion, retakes for unwanted students. Participated in rigging the 2020 presidential elections. She signed reprimands and orders for the expulsion of students. Perjured at the trial in the "student case" on May 20, 2021. | 1, 2 |
25 | Heorhi Viarshyna | BNTU | First Vice-Rector | Politically motivated expulsions, testifying against student in court | He threatened students who gathered on the university's territory, that he would call for police to attack them (according to OMON witnesses). The students did not have any symbols, they did not make noise and did not violate the rules of the internal regulations of the university. Нe testified against the political prisoners of the BNTU's students in court, gave deliberately false testimony. Accuses students of organizing mass riots. He contributed to the expulsion of 54 BNTU's students for participating in a peaceful rally on October 26. Revoked the bonus sararies and than fired BNTU's teachers for politically motivated reasons. | 1, 2, 3 |
26 | Vasiliy Sianko | HrSU | Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs | Intimidation of students | Organizes prevention councils for students and ethics commissions for teachers, is their chairman, solicits and signs reprimands to students and teachers for participating in actions or public support for such actions, exerts moral pressure on students / employees / teachers, causing them to have individual conversations , calls the police at rallies and single pickets, leaks data on students to the police and the military registration and enlistment office. | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
27 | Uladzimir Pashkievich // Vladzimir Pashkievich | MSLU | Vice-rector for Educational Work | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Hleb Fitzner in court. | 1 |
28 | Alaksiej Dzierbin // Aleksey Derbin | MSLU | (Ex) Vice Rector for Internationalization | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Hleb Fitzner in court. | 1 |
29 | Leonid Shylin | BSUIR | Dean of Faculty of Information Technologies and Control | Testifying against student and profesor of BSUIR in court | He testified against Artyom Vinakurau in court and had public argument with Artiom. Artiom Vinakurau was convicted and sentenced to 3 years restriction of liberty in an open prison. | |
30 | Dmitry Likhacheuski | BSUIR | Dean of Faculty of Computer-Aided Design | Threating students and academic staff | 14 May started consideration of "students case". Near to the court bulding had gatherd around 200 people, some of them were arrested. Dmitry Likhacheuski threatend with explusion to students, who were arrested. | 1 |
On audio record Likhacheuski threats students and literally declairs war on students | 1 | |||||
Likhachevski beefs with a professor who took part in a video message to the administration, during the lesson | 1 | |||||
Likhacheuski reprimanded proffesor because of his/her political activity | 1 | |||||
31 | Sergei M. Bosiakov | BSU | Dean of the Faculty of the Mechanics and Mathematics | Testifying against student in court, threating students | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. | 1, 2 |
32 | Vadim Demidchik | BSU | Dean of the Faculty of Biology | Testifying against student in court | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. Probably commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. | 1 |
33 | Vadim Demidchik | BSU | Dean of the Faculty of Biology | Testifying against student in court | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. Probably commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. | 1 |
34 | Vadim Hihin | BSU | Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences | Threating students and academic stuff | Actively interferes with protest actions, puts pressure on students with an active civic position, forcing participants in protest actions to write explanatory notes. Since 2016, it has been keeping an internal list of opposition-minded students and professors of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Draws up reports to teachers addressed to the rector for political reasons to impose a disciplinary sanction on them as a basis for subsequent dismissal (the case of T. Sinitsa). | 1 |
35 | Tatyana Mikhalyova | BSU | Dean of the Faculty of Law | Testifying against academic stuff in court | Testified against ex-associate professor Basalai in court on the claim for the reinstatement Basalai in BSU | 1 |
36 | Sergey Maly | BSU | Dean of the Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies | Politically motivated dismissal | Politically motivated dismissal of Sviatlana Volchek, coordinator of BSU strike commetee | 1 |
37 | Natalya Sankevich | BSU | Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry for social affairs | Testifying against student in court | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. Probably commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. | 1, 2 |
38 | Hanna S. Bakun | BSU | Deputy Dean of Educational Work of the Faculty of Law | Testifying against student in court, threating students and academic stuff | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. She called active students to a meeting with the prosecutor, and those who refused to come were forced to write explanatory notes. On the day of the start of the trial in the student case she checked the attendance in order to identify the students who went to the trial. | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
39 | Vital Sakhvon | BSU | Deputy Dean for educational work and social issues of the Faculty of Biology | Testifying against student in court | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. Probably commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. | 1 |
40 | Valery Kursov | BSU | Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics | Testifying against student in court | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. Probably commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. | 1 |
41 | Natallia Navumenka | BSPU | Dean of the Natural Science Department | Politically motivated dismissal | She fired Nikolai Strekha because of his political views. Nikolai Strekha was Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Natural Science Depatment. | 1, 2 |
42 | Anna Konanova | Academy of Arts | Dean of the Art Faculty | Testifying against student in court, politicly motivated expulsion, politicly motivated reprimands | Tetsified against ex-student of Belarusian State Academy of Arts Maria Kalenik, who is accused to student case. | 1 |
She also expelled at least 3 students because of theire political activity and made at least 2 politically motivated reprimands | 1 | |||||
43 | Vladimir Mischanchuk | Academy of Arts | Dean of Theatre Faculy | Politicly motivated expulsion, politicly motivated reprimands | He expelled at least 3 students because of theire political activity and made at least 2 politically motivated reprimands | 1 |
44 | Elena Petrichenko | BSEU | Dean of Faculty of Economics and Managment | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Petrichenko's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
45 | Dzmitryj Marushka | BSEU | Dean of the Faculty of Digital Economy | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Marushka's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
46 | Vladimir Bierazouski | BSEU | Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Accounting | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Bierazouski's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
47 | Alexandr I. Yerchak | BSEU | Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism Industry | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Yerchak's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
48 | Aleksandr Shkliareuski | BSEU | Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism Industry | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Jarchak's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
49 | Mikhail Mishkevich | BSEU | Dean of School of International Business Communications | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Mishkevich was one of those who wrote a denunciation on them. | 1 |
50 | Svetlana Razumova | BSEU | Dean of the Faculty of Marketing and Logistic | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Mishkevich was one of those who wrote a denunciation on them. | 1 |
51 | Oksana Matkovskaya | BSEU | Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Banking | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Mishkevich was one of those who wrote a denunciation on them. | 1 |
52 | Ludmila Marcusenko | BSEU | Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Mishkevich was one of those who wrote a denunciation on them. | 1 |
53 | Andrey Safonov | BNTU | Dean of the Faculty of the Mechanical Engineering | Testifying against student in court | Нe testified against the political prisoners of the BNTU's students in court, gave deliberately false testimony. Accuses students of organizing mass riots. | 1 |
54 | Volha Dashkevich | BNTU | Dean of the Architectural Faculty | Testifying against student in court | She testified against the political prisoners of the BNTU's students in court, gave deliberately false testimony. Accuses students of organizing mass riots. | 1 |
55 | Natalja Shuljakovskaja // Natallia Shuliakouskaja | BNTU | Deputy Dean of Architectural Faculty | Testifying against student in court | She testified against the political prisoners of the BNTU's students in court, gave deliberately false testimony. Accuses students of organizing mass riots. | 1 |
54 | GOLUBEVA Oksana / Aksana Holubeva | PSU | Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology | Intimidation of students | She put pressure on personal conversations in every possible way, prayed for the riot police. | 1, 2 |
55 | Alexander Bakatovich | PSU | Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering | Intimidation of students | He repressed students with an active civic position (including summoning them for conversations, threatening with expulsion, reprimands.) In every possible way he interfered with the peaceful expression of civil position. | 1 |
56 | Aleksandr Ponimatko // Aliaksandr Panimatka | MSLU | Dean of the Interpretors and Translators Faculty | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Hleb Fitzner in court. | 1 |
57 | Dzmitryj Tupik // Dmitrij Tupik | MSLU | Dean of the Faculty of International Communications | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Hleb Fitzner in court. | 1 |
58 | Valientyn Paulouski // Valentin Pavlovskij | MSLU | Dean of the Faculty of Romance Languages | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Hleb Fitzner in court. | 1 |
59 | Siarhiej Aliejnik // Sergey Oleynik | MSLU | Dean of the Faculty of Chinese | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Hleb Fitzner in court. | 1 |
60 | Liudmila Mikalayeva | BSUIR | Head of Department of Humanities | Politically motivated dismissal | Politically motivated dismissal of Mayya Gavryuchenkova, associate professor of Department of Humanities | 1 |
61 | Galina Malychina | BSUIR | Chair of the Department of Philosophy, PhD, Associate Professor | Testifying against profesor of BSUIR in court | She testified against Olga Filatchenkova, who is accused to student case | 1 |
62 | Ekaterina Zueva | BSU | Head of the Department of Education of Youth | Testifying against student in court, threating students and academic stuff | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. Probably commited perjury, because his statments during pre-trial proceedings and statments that he made during trial are sometimes completly different. | 1, 2 |
63 | Vladimir Maslenikov | Academy of Arts | Head of the Department of Painting | Denunction on active students | His denunctions were a reason to expell 3 students | 1 |
64 | Irina Savostinkevich | Academy of Arts | Head of Trainig and Doctrine | Politicly motivated expulsion, politicly motivated reprimands | She expelled at least 3 students because of theire political activity and made at least 2 politically motivated reprimands | 1 |
65 | Dmitrij Tsyhankov // Dzmitryj Cyhankou | BSEU | Head of the Department of Accounting Economics and Law | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Cyhankou's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
66 | Danila Dabrarodni | BSEU | Head of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Cyhankou's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
67 | Nikolaj Vierbickij // Nikalaj Viarbicki | BSEU | Head of the Center for Personel and Legal Policy, Associate Professor | Politically motivated expulsions | Four students who organized strikes and/or took part in peaceful protests were expelled from BSEU. Cyhankou's name and signature is included on the order expelling the students. | 1 |
66 | Kibik Natalia/Natalya | BSMU | Head of the department of educational work | Threating on students and academic staff | Forced professors to attend rallies for Lukashenka. Banned events in the Belarusian language at the university. Insults and threatens his own subordinates, colleagues, students. He heads the "student government organization", consisting of students loyal to the administration. Together with Markautsan, he leads the initiative to find a girl for the presidential graduation ball. | 1, 2 |
67 | Ihar Puchenia // Igor’ Puchenya // Igor Puchenya | MSLU | Head of educational work with youth | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Hleb Fitzner in court. | 1 |
68 | Evgeniy Olekhnovich | BSUIR | Assosiate Professor | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Artiom Vinakurau in court. Artiom Vinakurau was convicted and sentenced to 3 years restriction of liberty in an open prison. | 1 |
69 | Vasili Miatselski | BSUIR | Assosiate Professor | Testifying against student in court | He testified against Artiom Vinakurau in court. Artiom Vinakurau was convicted and sentenced to 3 years restriction of liberty in an open prison. | 1 |
70 | Yuliya Litvinovskaya | BSUIR | Assosiate Professor | Testifying against student in court | She testified against Artiom Vinakurau in court. Artiom Vinakurau was convicted and sentenced to 3 years restriction of liberty in an open prison. | 1 |
71 | Kirill Surkov | BSUIR | Assosiate Professor | Underestimation due to political views | Changed the grades for students to a lower one because of their political views | 1 |
72 | Fiodar Drobenya | BSU | Assosiate Professor | Testifying against student in court | Tetsifyed against BSU students, who are occused to student case. | 1, 2 |
73 | Olga K. Yatskevich | BNTU | Assosiate Professor | Testifying against student in court | She testified against the political prisoners of the BNTU's students in court, gave deliberately false testimony. Accuses students of organizing mass riots. | 1 |
74 | Valeryj Pishchykau // Valery Pishchikov | MSLU | Assosiate Professor | Fight with student | He started pushing one of the students taking part in the strike. When the column approached the door, Pishchykau pushed one of the students into the stairwell, which miraculously did not lead to a "domino" on the staircase, which was filled with other students. | 1 |