European Students' Union strongly condemns the imprisonment of students in Belarus
News of Education
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ESU stands in solidarity with the Students Bloc and supports the protests taking place on 25th of March. Freedom of assembly and freedom of speech are human rights that are universal, and we do not accept any breaches of these.

V-Dem opens a Call for Postdocs and Research Fellows!
News of Education
Some positions are funded by the Swedish Research Council-grant, others are funded by Wallenberg Academy Fellow and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond- grants. More information could be found through the links below.
Appeal to the BFUG members: Extension of Belarus Roadmap for higher education reform and AG2 mandate is necessary
Shortly before the Bologna Follow Up Group (BFUG) meeting in Sofia on February 5-6, 2018, wрere final report of the Advisory Group on Belarus will present its final report, the Civil Society Form of the Eastern Partnership has prepared the appeal to the BFUG members.
Meeting of the Advisory Group on “Support for the Belarus roadmap” in Minsk
Also available:

Oficial statement by the Advisory Group after visit to Minsk on June 2-3, 2016.
Source: http://www.ehea.info/

ESU stands in solidarity with Belarusian students and calls for the end of suppresions!
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The European Students’ Union (ESU) stands in solidarity with the Belarusian students, in strongly condemning the violations of academic freedom, and urges the universities to stop all forms of repressions on students.
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