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Concerns around lack of oversight and progress surround $109m loan
The World Bank has acknowledged that a loan of $109 million (€93m) it is providing to Belarus for higher education projects is only a step on the road to reforms agreed to by the country’s government, for which academics in Belarus say there is a lack of genuine commitment and oversight.
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On March 11, the U.S. Department of State published its assessment of the human rights situation in Belarus for 2019. The report touches upon respect of integrity, political prisoners, unlawful interference of authorities into the private life of citizens, etc. The document emphasizes violations of rights of independent media, including Belsat TV.

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EuroBelarus: It is necessary for the public to raise its voice to mobilize the educational reforms in Belarus.
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EuroBelarus: During the Student Week Uladzimir Dunaeu, the member of the public Bologna committee, gave a public lecture and spoke about the long road of Belarus towards the Bologna Process.

Uladzimir Dunaeu: Refusal from education reform is a blow for country’s repute & Belarusians’ future
EuroBelarus: The state again offers its electorate cheap but low-quality education; however, the time of undemanding employers is the thing of the past, claims Professor Uladzimir Dunaeu.