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About us

Integration of Belarus into the European higher education would be a unique opportunity for reforming the national education system, its internationalization and liberalization. However, the Belarusian authorities do not hide their intention to be limited, at best, only cosmetic changes, without affecting the real causes of the low efficiency of the Belarusian higher education. Especially, in the plans of the authorities have no intention to abandon the political instrumentalizatsyi higher education to pursue the regime’s opponents. The participation of rectors of universities in Belarus repression of students and teachers has led to the fact that the five heads of universities are on the list of persons prohibited from entering the EU. This fact calls into question the prospects for an early entry into our country in the Bologna process. But in addition to impermissible political instrumentalizatsyi universities towards the European Higher Education and other vices are Belarusian higher education, which clearly oppose Belarusian education the fundamental values and principles of the European academic life.

Who we are

Representatives of the expert community and a number of community organizations that have decided to establish a committee of Bologna in order to develop our country roadmap integration of the Belarusian higher education in the Bologna process. Based committee has as it’s priority to achieve inclusion in the agenda of the summit in 2012, along with an official report of the Ministry of Education of Belarus alternative report on the state of the Belarusian higher education. The Committee hopes that the summit will determine Belarus’ accession to the Bologna process with a series of reforms and, above all, non-use of higher education as a tool of political repression. Bologna Committee is a civic initiative that united experts in higher education and civil society organizations and oriented towards breaking Belarusian higher education isolation from EHEA. The Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee is a discussion platform for all interested in higher education development parties as well as it plays a coordination role for civil society organizations and experts who advocate for Belarusian higher education complex reforms.


Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee is committed to being a mediator in dialogue between all interested in joining EHEA parties. We are ready to participate in developing reforms road map and monitoring Belarusian authorities commitment to incorporate key European values into country’s higher education system. Our Committee sees its role in advocating for restoring the trust to Belarusian higher education system among EHEA members. Goals The Committee’s goal is to involve public into active participation in Belarusian higher education internationalization and liberalization. Bologna Committee along with its partners plans to use Belarusian government willingness to join Bologna in order to force Belarusian authorities to initiate complex higher education system reforms.



International Consortium “EuroBelarus”
Committee “Salidarnasc”
Public Union “Education Center “POST”
“Belarus Student Association”
Brest Regional Youth Non-Governmental Organization “Dzedzich”
Methodological Company “Agency for Humanitarian Technologies”
Platform "Flying University"

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