International expertise
Research and Analytics
Reviews of “Recommendations for improving the legal framework of higher school in Belarus according to the requirements for Bologna club candidates”
BIBC publications
Also available:
Reforming of the Belarusian Higher School in accordance with the aims, values and main directions of the European Higher Education Area policy. Release of White Books – subject collections, devoted to the state of education in post-soviet states has already become a regular event in our neighbors. This is our first such attempt in Belarus. In our White Book we tried to present detailed analysis of the state and prospects of accession of Belarusian Higher School to European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process).
Monitoring report of academic freedoms violations for the period September – December 2012
Research and Analytics
Also available:
The monitoring of academic freedoms violations is aimed at retrieving the actual information about the situation on academic freedoms in Belarusian Higher Education Institutions. Monitoring is organized by the “Center for Development of Students’ Initiatives” ( and the Committee “Salidarnasc” ( within the Independent Bologna Committee activity. The Monitoring is implemented by students and teachers in all regional centers of Belarus as well as the other cities, in which HEIs are present. Being adapted especially for Belarus, methodology of the international network “ScholarsatRisk” ( is used in the Monitoring.
An alternative report and a road map to integrate Belarus into EHEA
Research and Analytics
Also available:
November 29, 2011 Belarusian Ministry of Education has sent a package of application documents to the Bologna Secretariat concerning official admission to the Bologna Process.
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