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Belarusian society has a great hope, that it will not be only irresponsible declaration, but the real step to ensure Bologna transformations of Belarusian high school.

We   welcome  the  Republic   of   Belarus  intention  to   join   the   European   Higher   Education   Area.  Belarusian society has a great hope, that it will not be only irresponsible declaration, but the real  step to ensure Bologna transformations of Belarusian high school. However, there is reason to   doubt Belarusian officials’ sincerity and seriousness.

The Belarus second application to join the  EHEA   has   been   prepared  in   an   atmosphere   of  the   complete  secrecy.  Ministry   of   Education  reluctantly  admitted  the  fact  that   application   has   been   submitted  after  a   month  when   it   was  done. This closeness could be explained by the desire to avoid a public debate on whether the Belarusian      higher   education    is  ready   to   accept   the   values   and   goals   of  the   EHEA      and,  consequently,  the risk of being once again criticized by the European institutions concerning the  status    of  academic     freedom,     institutional   autonomy      and   student   participation    in  the  HEI  management in Belarus.

The content of the official report, submitted to the Bologna Secretariat  by Belarusian Ministry of Education, is completely unknown to Belarusian public. At the same  time the  officials’ statements indicate that Ministry of Education position  has hardly  changed  since 2011. The leadership stubbornly denies the existence of any problems regarding students’  access  to   the  universities  management   or   academic   repression   in   the   Belarusian   universities.

Independent Bologna Committee believes that it is necessary to provide up-to-date information  on the institutional autonomy status, academic freedom and studentsт’ participation in the higher  education management. Thus, this report is focused on exactly those areas of academic life that,  like previously prevented Belarus joining to the European Higher Education Area in 2012.

The full report IBC_MEMORANDUM_24_11_14

The full report IBC_MEMORANDUM_24_11_14

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