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The National report is available by the link.
Prepared by the Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee, the Ad Hoc Committee of the Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, the Belarusian Student Association and the Youth Labour Rights
1. Qualifications Framework.
Despite the fact that the Report says about successful completion of the stage of work on the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (HE NQF - BelQF) and the approval of the project by Minister of Education, we would like to draw attention to a very formal approach to such a serious document development:
- the status of the document is questionable, it is not even approved by Order (or Resolution), but by a simple stroke of the pen of Minister of Education, and, of course, the Minister himself proclaims his ministry as the "Republican body ... which carries out the development and management of the BelQF ..." which violates the procedural order and legislative requirements of the adoption and approval of national level documents;
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Also available:
The 2019 report on the realization of the Strategic Action Plan on Implementation of the Major Objectives of the Educational System Development in Line with the EHEA Principles and Tools prepared by the Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee, the Ad Hoc Committee of the Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and the Belarusian Student Association and the Youth Labour Rights.

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The experts of the Belarusian Independet Bologna Committee has prepared the second White Book on Belarusain higher education. The analysis structure and methodology in the White Book follow the structure and methodology of the Implementation Report.

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Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee (BIBC) and Ad Hoc Commission of Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) continue to monitor the implementation of the EHEA tools in the higher education system by Belarusian authorities.
In 2018 Belarusian Ministry of Education was able to make a number of milestone decisions in pursuance of Work Plan implementation, which had been postponed for a long time pending the approval of new Education Code. In particular, this is linked to slowly expanding academic autonomy of Belarusian higher education institutions (Educational Standards_3+).

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Also available:
Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee (BIBC) and Ad Hoc Commission of Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) continue to monitor the Roadmap implementation and commissioned the analysis of what had been done by Belarusian authorities to fulfill its obligations. This report presents the findings that show where the country stands in terms of the Roadmap implementation.