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Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee (BIBC) and Ad Hoc Commission of Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) continue to monitor the Roadmap implementation and commissioned the analysis of what had been done by Belarusian authorities to fulfill its obligations. This report presents the findings that show where the country stands in terms of the Roadmap implementation. 

Final Conclusions:

The continuous monitoring shows that none of the Roadmap obligations undertaken in 2015 is fulfilled fully and on time.

The Belarusian government was supposed to meet the targtes set by the Roadmap timeline by October 2017. The Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee and Ad hoc Committee of Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum performing the independent monitoring of the process state the following:

The implementation of the Roadmap has recently deteriorated as the discussion on the new Education Code at the National Assembly is postponed indefinitely. Changes
and amendments to other legal acts (Labor Code, Criminal Code, Civil Code, Law “on Public organizations”, etc.) are not introduced and discussed publicly.

There is lack of visible progress in developing and embedding the National Qualification Framework in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

There is no unequivocal legislation on the transition to Bologna higher education model – three tire educational cycle, as well as on establishing Independent Quality
Assurance Agency while only 30% of ESG standards are implemented.

There is little progress on ECTS implementation, and, in practice, the ECTS Users’ Guide standards are not met in full.

There is no information about the plan to issuing Diploma Supplement automatically and free of charge.

In the area of Academic staff and student mobility and internationalization Belarus was developing a plan to facilitate, develop and diversify the international mobility for both inbound and outbound staff and students in Belarusian higher education institutions, however, there are no details whether this plan was approved.

Furthermore, Belarus have not complied with its commitment to change the current system of mobility permits, to allow for longer periods of mobility within EHEA for
both staff and students without ministerial approval.

None of the obligations on social dimension of higher education and academic values has been fulfilled. The authorities demonstratively block the progress in
implementation of the changes in the graduate work placement and its support as per the new Education Code, despite the public criticism.

Belarusian officials also demonstratively ignore their commitment to implement the Council of Europe recommendations CM/Rec (2012)7 on the public responsibility
for academic freedom and institutional autonomy providing the students and faculty with right to establish and register organization freely and without any prejudice, in
particularly abolishing Art. 193.1 of the Criminal Code.

In view of the current state of affairs, it is proposed to extend the Roadmap implementation timeline for 2-3 years and to maintain international control over its implementation.



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